"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Thursday, October 2, 2008



I know. Delightful way to start a blog. BUT. Apparently I probably wont be able to take Mo to florida with me because of an EP breakout there that has the Canadian border absolutely CLOSED to horses returning from there. Sure they will let you leave, but as soon as you set foot in Florida, no dice, no second chance, you arent coming back. At least not until they revoke the ban, which could be god knows when and possibly NEVER. You hear me? NEVER!! There is no way in hades that I am chancing never being able to bring Mo home. Sure there is an off chance I might be able to beg and plead my way to a job on the ranch [plan A] but incase that falls through... I would be without my most beloved escapde crusader companion. I shudder just to think of life without her. Cant be done.

So what now? I dont know. I have an email in to Renee, my much abused email contact for the course. I am sure she thinks I am nuts with the amount of stressed emails she gets from me... *sigh* I am trying to be positive, but this is a kick in the teeth because I was under the impression that the ban was already reduced to a 21 day quarentine, which while sucky, I could live with. Now I dont know what to do. Total loss. I hate this. I am SO geared up to go. EVERYTHING is in order, ready to take off and now I hit the roadblock I thought I found a way around.