"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Storm Rising!

Tonight I went out to see the horses after dinner. I had intended to have my first official session with Chance [first horse in for development!] but things went slightly different!

All day long the black clouds have been rolling in an out... pitch black and back to sunny again. Since about four pm it was consistently dark. The horses were feeling the electricity in the air! The weather man was calling for storms, and possibly thunder.

When I went out to the barn all four horses came racing up to me. Mo went by me, to energized to stop in time, so did Indy. Zephyr ended up right in front of me, bouncing to a stop for some scratches and love, while Indy came right back for a hug and Mo trotted over to find out what she was missing. Chance came cantering in too, but wisely kept her distance from potentially nasty hind feet!

I got everyone their dinner first - really just some vitamins and minerals - and they all lined up great and ate contentedly about two feet apart, side by side, which was great. The cows came by to find out where there dinner was, too, and that was funny. Browncow tried licking me to see if *I* was dinner, and I found that ironic.... given it will be *my* dinner in a year or two.

The ponies were riled, I could see that much. As I cleared away their bowls, Zephyr went off after poor Browncow, just kind of walking snaking her head after it. I grabbed a carrot stick to discourage chasing the poor little thing and everyone went bonkers. Its like they were just waiting for the signal to GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOY OH BOY did they go! Indy took off straight out into the field while the other three circled the small paddock. Blackcow went out to the field to, and cut left to the sad barn while Browncow headed for the trees. Indy got about 1/3 of the way down the pasture before noticing her herd didnt come with her, and extendo-trotted her gorgeous behind back over to us.

When they got all back together they collectively BOMBED all out the gate and into the little pasture, scaring the living daylights out of poor Browncow, who just ran and ran with her little tail sticking up. She then hid in the trees. Bombed down they did, and bombed right back to me. Too funny! In the little paddock again looking all wonderful and adrenalized, Mo power trotted right up to me to check in, got a go ahead, and they were all off like the forecasted lightning! They sure made their own thunder in the process.

Instead of allowing them back into the barnyard again I just barely directed them out into the big pasture, and off they all went, continuing on their bucking and squealing ways. Several laps of the pasture were made. I wish I had my camera handy! With the roiling clouds in the background, and beautiful ponies galloping around, it would have been wonderful to capture.

The poor skeerd cowcows came over with some grain bribery, and were none the worse for wear it seems.

Happy ponies playing in the storm energy sure makes for some fun!


PS: I think Storm Rising would be an amazing show name for a fancy grey horse