"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Mo is a little Superstar!

Or a BIG one. Depends on if we are talking about size or awesomeness. Big on awesome, little on size. Gotta love her either way.

Today was a really good day for Mo. We played with some awesome lightness things and then at the end, after grazing and chilling out for a while she decided to tell me we needed to do some more. So off we went, with intensity and attention! Sideways, sends, stops turns, load into the trailer at a trot-almost-a-canter ...

When we first got here Mo was a little hesitant about the car wash. She would touch it, push it out her way, walk through it, but had a pretty big opposition reflex to backing through... now when I say big, I dont mean rearing plunging terror big. I just mean big for Mo, which is pretty much sto her feet and look at me saying "I am not ready for this, please allow me to retreat" so we did.

Since that first day we have played on and off with Mr Carwash, and lots with backing through things confidently.


Today on our little play rampage I sent Mo through the car wash as a squeeze, brought her back to me and then backed her until her zone 5 touched it - all with lightness and respect and no hesitation! It was EASY after that to just suggest she continue back and she did! She stopped with her head on my side on the waving plastic, looking at me all "Im awesome, right??' and then trotted to me when I drew her in.


I love my horsie!


Parelli Central said...

Sounds awesome!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central