"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Monday, January 7, 2013

Super Mo Saves the Day

Lately there has been snow. A lot of snow. It seems that for every one sunny day, we get three snowy ones. The snow is up well over the horses knees in most places.

We have a wood stove in our house, which means we need wood to run it! D was going out into the bush to cut some wood to burn while we wait for the delivery of new stuff. He snowshoed up, grabbed the sled and traipsed off to cut some trees for the stove.

Apparently, the load was a little much, and trying to get back through the deep snow with the heavyily loaded sled just wasnt going to happen by hand.

Enter Super Mo!

In the past, we have dragged little things, like cones, or buckets. This weekend, our foundation was put to the test!

I saddled Mo in our western saddle... which is not my friend at all. Its an old reining saddle my dad gave me when he got a new one. Its stiff, its old, the latigos are hard and it weighs a TON! Oh, and the stirrups barely go short enough for me, and when they get slightly close, I can still hardly get my feet into them because the leather is so stiff, it refuses to turn. Still, I am grateful to have it for those rare times I need a saddle with a horn.

We walked out of the barn, used the four wheeler for a mounting block on the way, and off we went, slowly slowly trudging through the deep snow, squinting to see through the currently falling snow. Across the hayfields we went, out to the trail where D left the sleigh. Mo was a little looky at the weird thing sitting in the snow, but went over and touched it really quickly. After that she had no problem.

I dismounted, grabbed the tow rope and somehow managed to scramble through the snow back onto my waiting pony. I tried to get it started by pulling by hand, but the snow was so deep, I couldnt get it anywhere, so, time to test the foundation I have spent so much time putting on my Mo..... I dallied up the rope around the horn, turned and off we went! Mo kind of went 'huh?' for two steps, blew out a whole bunch, and just put head down and started tromping home!

It was a pretty far trip in the snow.... or it felt like it anyways, with the snow coming down, and going slowly through the deep stuff already on the ground. Mo just rocked it. Up passed the barn and over to the house by the wood pile, we dragged the heavy sled, just like she did it every day.

I have known Mo for almost ten years now, and she still has the ability to blow me away :D

I love my Mo!



Jennifer said...

awesome ! Mo is amazing because YOU have given her amazing skills and the determination to please you - the best horse/human relationship I have ever seen :) xoxoxo