"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So When You Think The Girth May Not Be Small Enough...

Indy had a really great day yesterday. I am incrediably proud of her. Firstly, I clipped her legs for the third or fourth time and she was an angel. THEN we saddled up in a borrowed Parelli Fluidity [which I have to stop doing, because I know Indy LOVES it and not my saddle anymore] and a borrowed girth. Well.... the girth, on both sides of top holes was really just holding the saddle in place, but it was ok, so off we went.

We rode in an arena starting at a walk and then she kept wanting to trot so I said hey cool lets do a cloverleaf pattern then. So clover leaf at a trot we did... except on the long ends, where she cantered. Overall very impulsive and go-y and not so much paying attention to me, so I didnt slow her down, a couple of times we used the fence to stop, but really we just kept on the pattern. Until she finally just trotted the pattern and then *poof* clicked over to LBI and stopped in the middle and looked at me like "So.. what are we moving around for?" Which was perfect. We walked around a little more and then I jumped off.

When I got off I noticed something rather interesting. While riding I thought my stirrups sounded extra jingly when hitting the girth buckes but just thought it was because they were to high. Now that I was on the ground I could see the actual issue. I could see AIR between Indy and the girth. AIR! It was just hanging there, completely loose, not doing anything at all really. HMM! The saddle didnt even move though, so I suppose thats nice that I am balanced? At least a little bit. Anyways, that was fairly interesting, so I just unsaddled her then re-mounted bareback because it was nearly lunch time. We moved a couple of cows before heading down.

THEN after lunch Indy and I played cow pony a little and it was fantastic and I am so proud of her. We also got some help with our fore/hind quarter isolations for pivot/turns and that helped LOADS. So.. YEY INDY!

Both girls got their inspection today for their health certificates to go home.... I am planning on it being toasty warm when I get there. I am having to much fun here though.. I cant believe its been three months already! Where has the time gone?!!??! I am so not ready to go home, but the bank account demands I must. Dang.

On the up swing, I may be able to conduct a sort of business proposal that will result in my having a delightful Parelli boarding/lesson barn in my area. So joy for that, because it has an indoor arena! I am trying anyways! So, if you could have a playground to play in at your boarding barn, what would you put in it? A honeycomb? A bridge? A pedestal [or several?] Trees to jump? I need ideas so I can plan. I have some, but others are always welcome!
