"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Quote

I was just watching one of those ever present forward emails that produce a nice slide show with little notes on the pictures and found one that really resonates with me.

Dont Audit Life.

I love it. It shall be my new motto I think. My old one is pretty good too - Without dreams there is no future - but I really like this one. To me it just says dont sit back and watch other people do what you want to be doing-  go do it! Grab life and hang on for the ride! 

I audited life for a very long time. Too long actually, but I could never find the courage to take part in a larger role than auditor. Being able to step up and take part has changed things significantly for me. The old me never would have gone to Florida... TWICE! Let alone with ponies in tow!

I am very proud to say that I no longer just audit life, but take part whole heartedly!
