"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gambler Watch, 2012

Gambler, or Remy as Derek likes to call him [ he wanted him to be Gambit instead of Gambler, and thus Remy is Gambit's real person name when he isnt being an Xman... lame, I know] is doing great. He is settling in with the herd nicely, making friends with everyone, and generally, more or less taking over. He is the new leader of my modest herd. Indy is most put out, and gave a good try at keeping her leaderness, but in the end, she swooned to the handsome fella and fell into line.

The more I get to play with Gambler, the more connected he becomes. Its so nice to see him more and more willing to interact and engage and ask questions! I was playing with saddling yesterday, and just had the pad playing friendly game which he was a little unsure about in that moment, so we would check it out, swing it, and throw it up [wayyyy up!], rub and take it off to go move his feet! He blew out a whole bunch with that pattern, that after a few times I felt good about throwing the saddle up too, and repeating the same pattern. More blowing and happy pony so I finally girthed it up and we went and moved like that.

He was a little tight at first so I just asked him to keep moving his feet until he relaxed and blew out and then we even got some really nice canter transitions! What a star :) I was just really wowed by the difference in connection yesterday. I know it takes time to bond and build that rapport and relationship, but its still kind of amazing when it starts to happen!

I am so excited to ride this gigantic pony! I want it to be perfect though, I dont want to rush him or blow him up in any way.... but oh boy am I excited!

I also rode and played with the spotty pony last night. We played with a little GOC and some follow the rail on hilly footing. She was good. My ankle was not. Unimpressed. *sigh*

I dont even know how to help it anymore :( Its not walking sore, or anything like that. Lately when I ride it goes numb, or, because of the way I balance on it oddly, it rolls to the outside and its like I am rolling my ankle each step I ride, and its skwooshed against the outside of the stirrup iron - which isnt to comfy in soft leather boots! I am not really sure how to remedy this issue, so if anyone out there in internetspace has thoughts... please tell me. I need to be able to have feet in the stirrups! The issue has mostly only come up with the advent of shorter stirrups for jumping and the correct length finesse that I never knew existed before Linda found Colleen Kelly. If I ride long and freestyle, I am fine... its when they are shorter for two point, or shorter for engagement... I dont enjoy being broken!

Such is my day today.... its the middle of the day, and raining, which is why I am indoors [to be fair, I came in for lunch and now its raining] Spent my morning trying to till a precision pen for myself :) Hard work, but its going to be awesome when its done!



Unknown said...

have you tried an ankle brace? I use them on my knees sometimes when jogging or anything. sometimes just not lalowing it to roll anywhere is the best.