"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New States Crossed off the List!

Officially, I crossed two more states off of my To-Travel-To list yesterday and the day before :D I am excited about that. What I am MORE excited about is GAMBLER!!

Here is his story :)

Tuesday morning I got up early and loaded up the truck and trailer with... well... not much really. My pillow, some tomorrow clothes, a toothbrush and some hay. I felt really.... empty? I felt like I was forgetting everything!  Usually when I load up to go anywhere, A] its not just over night and B] I am pulling OUT of the driveway with a horse. Needless to say, I felt extremely under-packed. I headed out anyways.

Off through New York I went, and then into new state #1 - Massachusetts [and yes, I had to google how to spell that] It was MOUNTAINY! My oh my Goliath was not impressed. Up down up down.... sometimes I thought we should be heading down, but nope, up again. Holy moly.... My ears popped again and again. At least the roads were easy. All interstate all the way. It was nice like the 401 with the rest stops right on the road, so gas stops and bathroom breaks were no brainers.

And then I passed a sign that said Belcherville. I kid you not. It made my drive. Oh town names, how you are the best part of road trips. Suddenly I was in new state #2 - Rhode Island!  After a little excursion in what seemed like a suburb, we somehow magically ended up at the beautiful farm where Avery and her horses were. I MADE IT! The drive felt short, which was nice. Much easier than the drive to the NC/SC border enroute to Florida!

Safely arrived at my destination, I finally got to meet Gambler in person! I had seen pictures and some videos, but nothing really came close to doing him justice. He is HUGE and WONDERFUL and GORGEOUS! I got to play with him, and learn about him and his history and decide to bring him home with me.

The next morning we loaded up and hit the road. Avery had told me that he might not travel so well in a straight load trailer, which is what my trailer is, so I was ready for the worst. Mostly though, I was just glad that he fit in the trailer at all!

We set off, and true to his history he was shifty in the trailer. Not kicking or anything, just restless and unconfident. This went on for about 45 minutes and then he quieted down. I stopped at the first rest stop to check on him and he was pretty right brain, although he had found a standstill. Onward bound. The best thing I could do for him would just to be keep moving. The longer the trailer was still, the more worried he got. Off we went again!

By the second time I stopped, he had been quiet in the trailer, and when I opened it he was all left brain, even pushing on the door as I opened it and not letting me close it on him again! He was sticking his head out, he was blowing, he was eating his hay and engaging with me. It made me feel so much better to see him relaxing!

The rest of the ride was uneventful. We made it across the border without to much to-do and then finally home safely. Gambler walked off the trailer like a star and we explored his new home together and then got him some friends to meet. Everything went easily enough and he settled happily with his new herd after taking a couple of victory laps around the big pasture. He even jumped the tree that is down. Fancy!

This morning we played and he was great, and when I went to bring Zephyr in so I could take care of her leg, he was right with us, making sure I didnt do anything untoward to his new love. They have been grazing side by side all day :) Adorable :) Little Phyr-Phyr has a boyfriend! Hopefully she wants to grow up all big and strong just like him!

The journey with Gambler is going to be a great one! I cant wait to see where it goes :D



Unknown said...

You should make a map and put chckmarks on ones you have been too.. much easier to keep track lol.

S said...

I really want one! With little thumbtack-flags everywhere I have been!