"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Again

Well, here I am, home once more. In my own room and [YEY] in my own BED! I do so miss my delightful bed when I am away from it... so fluffly and comfortable... Anyways!

The horses travelled like rockstars. Our trip was mostly uneventful. The trailer brakes tried to pretend they didnt work, but D fixed that up right quick and our lives were saved. Goliath performed admirably, and is settling into a comfortable semi-retirement, carting me around the area to teach for now, until I re-aquire Reggie from El Popsy.

Mo and Indy are pleased with their new pasture mate, Rocky. He and Indy are having quite the little Battle Royale, to determine who indeed is truly in charge. It is pretty entertaining to watch. Indy has decided that Mo is her personal property, and to be protected at all costs from the Usurper [Rocky] Every time Rocky comes over she herds Mo away and protects her 'herd of two' from the intruder.

She is getting better now, more pal-y with Rocky. He is completly smitten with her. I brought them out some grain the other day and he wouldnt let me put his more than a foot away from her, and since she was ok with that I did. He just politely stood next to her, munching on his lunch. Looking wistfully at Indy while she ate, hoping she might like him. Too funny.

Mo has come into heat now, so thats complicating Indy's attempts to keep her and Rocky apart, but for the most part she is still accomplishing her chosen duty. A few nicks on Mo betray that she hasnt stayed away compeltely though, and thats ok. All three of them are VERY dominant horses, so it has been very interesting to see how they play together. Indy will pin her ears and threaten to kick Rocky and he will keep a happy expression and not even flinch, while he just turns his rump to her and looks back and her and she moves now.

I think Indy and Rocky are still checking each other out, but he may come out on top, or at least tie with Indy. Mo is out of the race, she doesnt seem to be bothered anymore by not being in charge, Silly pony.

Now all I need is some sunshine and some warmer temperatures and I will be all set!!
