"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fabulous Friday

Last night was simply amazing. It is finally warm and sunny out side and I am taking full advantage!!

Mo was in a fine mood last night. All the horses were in the run in shed so I crawled through the fence to go visit her. When I got there I wasnt sure if I was going to play with her or Indy, but she looked so happy to see me that I decided to pick Mo. I loved on her a bit [ok a lot] and practiced a little bareback mounting [almost made it!] and then led her at liberty into the barn. We had to wade through all the other horses, but I got to protect my herd of two and shoo them all a way. Mo was a trooper and just let me do my job.

In the barn Mo moseyed around cleaning up spare grain and whatnot before I haltered her. I brushed her down - shes so shiny right now! - and basically drenched her in bug spray. Just because the rain stopped, doesnt mean all the little bugs brought on by the mosture are gone yet!

Saddled and accoutred with a savvy string around her neck, we set out to our snazzy little [large] arena in the pasture. I played with some little games on the ground while we moseyed over. Moving circling game, falling leaf, sideways. Just little things. When we got to the barrels we practiced going over them, then one foot over the pole on the ground, sending over... and then, in a pure moment of brilliance for Mo, I asked her to step back over the pole by her tail and she DID IT!!!!! I litteraly squeeled and jumped for joy. I havent been working hardcore on that, but a little here and there because its not Mo's favorite thing to do. BUT SHE DID IT!!!!

When I mounted Mo she was in a really good mood so I took her halter off. I was left with a carrot stick, a string around her neck and the truth. The truth tunred out to be something I adore very very much. Mo was an angel!!!

We went around at a very slow sedate walk at first. Then I asked for a million walk/trot transitions to help get her impulsion up and that worked brilliantly. We proced to spend the rest of our session walking trotting and cantering at will around the entire pasture, completely bridleless. AND! everytime we came near them jumps Mo offered to take them. OFFERED!! She would alter her course and AIM for them!! What a great horse :-)

We did lots of figure eights around when she got TOO impulsive, and them cantered comfortably otherwise. It was such a wonderful feeling.

One of the boarders came out to catch their horse and when I went over to say hi I got called crazy and asked where my bridle was [to which I replied In the barn] It was sort of annoying, but whatever... I had an amazing ride. It is a really big boost to my confidence when I KNOW I am fenced in [even in twenty five acres]. I dont know why, but it helps me be confident, and do things. So it works :)

It was delightful! :-)