"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It has finally happened... I have lost my mind. Well no, not really, I am just really really pumped on adrenaline right now becuase I just got back from Aunty's house, where forthe very first time I SAT ON CRYSTAL! YEY!

We played online for a while, and I wasnt sure if today was going to be the day because she was a little buzzed and checking out. She did settle and start checking in and gave me the most wonderful moving circling game on a loose line! I am so proud of her! Her send is getting much better, her allow is great because she likes to move her feet and her bring back is finally coming along after a little hide your hiney session yesterday when she chose to ignore me!

I have been incorporating the barrels into our sessions to, getting her to think about them and where she is putting her feet. It is working out in a very interesting fashion in that she will trot full power up to them, throw her head and neck over them, then her feet stop a la circus pony on a pedestal and she looks at me all "That was awesome, yes?" Then she proceded to stumble and push her way through them on a re-send. What a goof. She DID jump them once today though. Terrible jump though! She forgot to check in and was just power trotting around and then POOF barrels and she went EEK and up and over. Definate deer jump Up-Forwards-Down with all fours!

When she was ready I saddled her with the bareback pad. She is really good about that now. I play a friendly game with it first, swinging it all over her body until she is relaxed, the up onto her back and cinch up a bit so its tight enough not to roll. I learned on the first day to get her to think backwards before forwards [after an interesting bucking spree that lasted ten strides and was done] so we went backwards nicely and softly. She was really paying attention! Her herd bound issues are becoming less and less, and it is really nice to see that coming along!

When I did ask her to finally go forwards she was a little tight in her trot so we just did some more travelling circles until she was blowing and putting her head down, at which point we went over to the mounting block and played with sideways towards for mounting and me putting my weight on her and friendly with things above zone three.

Aunty came out just after I saddled her, so I could. if it was right, get on and have a spotter *just in case*. So that was perfect. I played and played over her, laying on her, just putting weight on her, using my foot to rub her bum and back, throwing a leg over without getting on.... etc... She thought about walking off once, but I was able to bend her and stop her after one step, which was GREAT!

AND THEN! It happened! aunty was saying she had to go get dressed for work so I begged 5 more minutes and she said ok and was playing with the Demon Spawn, so I just kept doing what I was doing, and then it was right... then I had permission, THEN I GOT ON!! Just like that! No fuss, no muss, not even a step of movement of concern from Crystal! YEY!!!

The funny thing was that Aunty didnt even notice right away because she was distracted by the cat... so I said a quiet *tada* and she looked up and was all " OMG! YEY!" which was really awesome! Simple as that I got off, hugged Crystal, gave her some cookies and took off the bareback pad. Done and Done!!!!

So thats where I am at currently. Cloud nine for having sat on not-my-pony for the very first time! Annnd... now I have to wait until Friday I think before I can do it again unless I play in the afternoons, which I might just to keep up with her, because no one will be home in the mornings until then.



Anonymous said...

Awesome! Such a savvy way to do that first ride -- doing it almost by accident, with no one noticing. LOL

A very BIG ta-da for you and Crystal. :)

S said...

Thanks!! I am still soaring from it! :-)