"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So, for you T, I will devote this blog to vices. you said I cant claim horses as my vice, and thats shiny because I wouldnt consider my perfectly healthy addiction/passion for those glorious creatures a vice. Also, C, we totally miss you terribly, fix thy computer!!

My vice used to be biting my nails, luckily I managed to kick that habit, because it irritated me imensely even while I did it!! Currently my vice may be something like enjoying girly tv. I adore Gossip Girl. And ANTM when I can remember to watch it! GG is a really good calm down show because its brainless. I adore Grey's but I dont consider it a vice because I have to think and learn while I watch it. Although with that train of thought, does that make Danny Phantom and Fairly Odd Parents a vice to??

Perhaps speed talking could be a vice. S from Spain is always chiding me for speaking to fast since english is not her first language. I try, but I am not always successful - she makes me think of Dad when he gets giggles out of listening to the three of us [T, C and myself] get together and chat. Which made me miss you guys a lot!! We shall have to Skype soon!

On the vice topic, I am sooo glad that my ponies are vice free! Except Indy's penchant for jumping things, but I prefer to think of that as talent shining through?

OH! Vice: Addiction to Chocolate - literally I swear!



Unknown said...

yes you do tend to have very viceish tv.. you watch terrible tv. not hte girlie shows becuase they are intriguing i just need to borrow a season 1 to understand lol.. antm.. is just great dont you even. lol. fast talking is a talent. lol. a ruiter women talent. we are awesome.


C said...

posted twice since I last talked to you ^.^