"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Plans and Resolutions

The other day at work [my un-fun work, not teaching or pony related] I was doing some pondering. I was pondering about life, and the usual order of things. Get born, grow up a few years at home, go to school... more school, get a job, retire at 65 when you can finally focus on doing what you love. Humf.

I have always been really driven and focused on doing what I love - horsey stuff! Most people/society/cultural norms seem to think that 'horsey stuff' doesnt qualify as a real job, and therefore you must contain said passion to a hobby. Obviously, I never really agreed with that, or allowed it to guide me in any way. I have followed my passion and desire for excellence with horses into Parelli, and continue to do so.

The advent of gaining possesion of my dream farm seem to have necesitated the extra income gained from a 'real job'. Said 'real job' being a boring position as a cashier in a local shop. Yes, its a regular pay cheque, but do I really gain any fulfillment or enjoyment out of the experience? Well, at first, yes. I did. I was learning things and meeting new people, but now that I have settled into my role and the learning has slowed considerably, my left brain extrovert mind is BORED. As much as idle hooves are the devils workshop, so is my idle mind.

And so was born my RESOLUTION! It isnt really your typical new years resolution, more a drive and goal for my life. My five-year-plan if you will. My five-year-plan stands thusly : Within five years, I will no longer be doing things I dont absolutely love to do. Eg: No un-fun cashier job, but lots and lots of teaching!

There are plenty of things I love to do. I just need to figure out how to cause those things to earn my living. I love to teach, I love to train horses, start young horses, I love to take pictures, I love to provide a natual boarding facility to horse owners. I plan to build an indoor arena in five years, to facilitate the year-roundness of said endeavour.

So many people are of the 'I'll do it when I retire' variety - and there is nothing wrong with that! Its just not for me. Why should I wait so many years, when I can do what I am passionate about now? What could I possibly gain from years and years of negative mental torment? Especially when I could have years and years of positive JOY doing what I love and being with people who love it too.

Such is my five year plan. I will spend my time doing what I love. I think its a great plan. I cant wait!  This summer is going to be such a great start to this plan!
