"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Course 2 Begins!

So we had check in and orientation on Sunday - I got to help with check in which was ultra fun and orientation was just an overview of the course and the logistics part I was told in the begining on L&HB.

After that was over around 3 ish I took Mo out to play since she didnt get to come out in the morning because I was to busy checking people in! OH AND BIG NEWS!! We arent penned in the end of the world anymore!!! We have moved from the verrrryyy last pen [A1] to a pen about 50 feet from the lodge!! [D9] I feel so spoiled now yeehaw!

So we went out ostensiably on a grazing route but then I decided to change it up and pick the grass for Mo so I got particular about snappy departures and things and her play drive just went through the roof! She wouldnt graze just kept looking at me with two eyes like "OMG WHOO HOO!!" and we PLAYED. And then the coolest thing happened...

Out on the circle [on the 45' that I am trying to break in] she picked up the wrong lead cantering and THEN did a FLYING CHANGE to the correct lead. Post haste she caught some adrenaline and started speeding up to much so I decided to slow her down so I raised my stick in front of zone one and what happens but ANOTHER flying change to a counter canter again.. hmm... so I disengage to bring her in and she offers ANOTHER flying change to the correct lead so that she can come in properly. HOLY WOW... I LOVE MY HORSE!

They say mental and emotional collection brings physical collection... I am SO seeing the results of this! I LOVE IT! Yesterday again Mo was super play-y and we played for real doing lots of sideways with energy and circling with change of direction on the smallest suggestion. She got really into it doing her squeally thing and LAUNCHING herself in the other direction. It was really funny and then she would stop and look at me all "OH BOY THIS IS FUN"

It is really fun to playw ith her on the 45' because I can allow her so much more drift that when she gets in her little tiffs about being online, I can let her go and then she stops on her own and goes "Oh, right, Im with you..." And trots back to me, and I just coil in the line.

Yesterday we just did a revisit of the Me and My Shadow game for the new people. And a saddling pre requisite demo - we have permission to saddle today, and ride tomorrow - and today is our study in horse posture which I am really excited about. We also got to be on the seat builders yesterday which was SUPER fun and I want one installed in my backyard post haste.
