"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last Update...Probably...

This will probably be my last entry until I get TO Florida. Laptop is coming with, so I can blog my experience while I am there! I just dont know if I will have webz at the two places I am stopping at overnight on the way down. If I can update, you can bet I will, because I will want to share the awesomeness that will be this trip!

Before I ramble some more about travel plans I just wanted to go WHOO about my Sunday ride [when I should have probly been packing/doing laundry] Mo and I practed brdless and bareback some more, and it was awesome. We practiced canter departs and coming back down to the walk or trot - she goes... "slow? STOP!" There wasnt any middle ground.. until now!! That was fairly completely spectacular in my books. I also got some super cute pictures of Indy snoozing and my aunts horse Pride sleeping in an awkward position.

Mo is now officially ready to go! She has all papers, I just have to call the USDA vet tomorrow to book a meeting on Thursday for our crossing. Health papers got signed yesterday, no problems and everything is ready for Mo!!!! Truck is shiny and ready, trailer is healthy and red and awesomely ready, all thats left is to load up our things and go... after I pack my things of course.

My travel companions [besides my human father] will be Jack and Fillipé. Look for their adventures to be posted soon. They are adorable, if I do say so myself. This shall be an adventure titled : Jack and Fillipé Do Florida. Well, PA first, the NC, and THEN Florida :-)

I think that about covers it..... We are taking off at 7am on Thursday, and I have to remember to call my dad to remind him about his obligatory Tim's run because otherwise I might cry...[its mandatory road trip treats] I also have to hitch up and LOAD UP everything tomorrow night so I can just pull out Thursday morning without going OMG I FORGOT THE KITCHEN SINK!

I think I have labelled everything I own... I hope so? I am bringing my ribbon with me anyways in case I forgot... Not that theres a theft problem there, just with 25 12' ropes on the ground.. how do you tell which is which??? I CANT WAIT TO BE WARM!!! I am sooo excited to be there! I am going to be like the paparazzi the first days!!! I think I might just post an album link or something.... hmm... I shall ponder that.

GOTTA WORK! ACK! bwahahahhaa 1 1/2 hours left today then 8 hours tomorrow then IM DONE !!! No more works til DECEMBER WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I cant believe I get 6 straight weeks of Mo time.... she is going to LOOOVVEEE all the attention!!!

Ok, back to work!

I will post as soon as I can :-)