"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Friday, October 17, 2008

She CANTERED to Me!!

firstly, I wasnt even supposed to go home last night because it was my birthday and I was going to hang out with my sister and cousin so they could give me the present they got me [ a portable dvd player for my trip OMG!] but I ended up having to deke home to meet the vet for Mo's health certificate.

I wasnt the most excited about that, but it had to be done and I couldnt find anyone else to stay. So anyways, the vet was due between 5 and six so I was going to bring Mo into the barn hoping she would get there right at 5 so I could skedadle! No dice, she got caught in traffic and wasnt there til 6:30 but thats ok, she is awesome and I love her anyways.

The whole point though, is that when I was walking up to the barn, I called to Dakota and Mo, they both looked up and Mo started following me with her eyes, Dakota to. I forgot something in the car so had to go back and get it, so removing myself from their sightline, but as soon as they could see me again they were both looking at me.

Neither moved a muscle the whole time, just watched me, Mo had that "OMG Its YOU!" happy look that she gets when I bring her treats so that was so cute. When I got a halter and got to the gate and was *just* about to take a step out to get Mo, she BLASTS off into a canter and cantered all the way over to me from the gate into the pasture. EEE!!!

Seeing Mo gallavant off, Kota also did some showing off and cantered over to!! Mo had come right up to my nose for her hugs, and Dakota was actually respectful about 'our' space so I haltered Mo and made her stay while I hugged Kota. What cool ponies I have! It was so cute!

After putting Mo in a stall for a while, brushing her, tidying things up, killing time basically... I went out and Kota was still right at the gate and he actually nickered at me so I took pity on him and let him graze in the back yard while we waited. Mo had finished her 'keep busy' hay so I let her out in the yard to. Such a pretty picture!

So, thats my story. My horseys ran to greet me on my birthday. It was awesome. The End. [for today]



Laura said...

Wow! My pony gives me that "OMG it's YOU" look sometimes, too, so I know exactly what you mean! But I only wish that my pony would canter to me. She's such a lazy butt she wouldn't do that for anything. Well, except maybe carrots.

Almost forgot...