"If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on my horse's back... It will be because I was gaping out of my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Indys Second Trail Ride

On Wednesday I played with Indy again and it went really well. She is getting softer in response to the carrot stick and leg when we ride, and she is trying even hardr to read my body language on the ground.

After playing a bit with transitions in the ring we went out on the trail again. We did two circuits this time instead of one. She got a bit worried on the way back for circuit two, but as soon as I gave her something to do she calmed right down until we got back to the barn.

I learned an important lesson about not pushing Indy. On the way back down the long stretch I tried to pick up the reins and do trot/walk transitions and then canter/trot transitions. WELL! trot walk was peachy, but canter/trot we are NOT ready for on a concentrated rein! Indy let me know by rounding out like she was going to buck and sliding to a halt. Oops. My bad. To much pressure. *notes to self*

Other than that tiny incident she was an angel so I cant complain. Everything went really really well, on a totally casual/dropped rein. I see lots more carrot stick riding in our future...

On a side note, here is an awesome video! Someday I will be this good....


PS: Off to my hometown Fair this weekend, so no posts!
PPS: Ivy goes home on Monday!!!!!